put the verizon jetpack instructions here.
Author: Andrew Falgout
mp3tag recipes
Populate tags from file name strucuture:
The file name looks like this: _-_The_Wizard_Of_Oz_(Deluxe_Edition)_[CD1]_-_45._Magic_Smoke_Chords
Convert->Filename – Tag (Alt+3)
Enter this in the dialog box: _-_%album%_-_%track%._%title%
Convert Metadata ‘_’ into ‘ ‘
Name the files based off Tag Information:
Convert->Tag – Filename (Alt+1)
Enter this in the dialog box: %artist%_-_%track%_-_%title%
Zero pad the numbers:
Format Values->$num(%track%,2)
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Firmware and software installation
Arduino clips: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:155130
End Stop clips: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:135423
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Wiping a disk with dd
parted -a opt /dev/md0
(parted) u MiB
(parted) rm 1
(parted) mkpart primary 1 100%
or an alternate dirty method would simply go like this
(parted) mkpart primary ext4 1 -1
Partition a 4tb external drive:
parted -a opt /dev/sdc
mklabel gpt
unit TB
mkpart primary 0.00TB 4.00TB
align-check optimal 1 (check if the partition is aligned)
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1
You might want to reduce the reserved for defragmentation to 1% with such a large drive.
tune2fs -m 1 /dev/sdc1
lv resize and file system increase
how to resize an lvs file system:
Example: We want to increase LVNAME
1. What vg is it in?
[root@HOSTNAME ~]# lvs
LV VG Attr LSize Origin Snap% Move Log Copy% Convert
LVNAME VGGROUP -wi-ao 10.00G
2. There is space on the vg to do this?
[root@HOSTNAME ~]# vgs
VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree
VGGROUP 1 8 0 wz–n- 100.00G 10.00G
3. Increase the lv by 10G
lvresize -L +10GB /dev/VGGROUP/LVNAME
lvresize -l +100%FREE /dev/VGGROUP/LVNAME
4. resize the file system
resize2fs -p /dev/VGGROUP/LVNAME
This can all be done while the filesystem is mounted safely.
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