DMS Food Vending Machine

gpl11 –


What does the serial port do, and what can it be made to do?

High voltage, have to figure that out.

proftpd – setting up a quick ftp server

This was created off of:

yum -y install proftpd.x86_64

echo “/bin/false” >> /etc/shells

cd /home
sudo mkdir FTP-shared
sudo useradd userftp -p your_password -d /home/FTP-shared -s /bin/false
sudo passwd userftp
cd /home/FTP-shared/
sudo mkdir download
sudo mkdir upload
cd /home
sudo chmod 755 FTP-shared
cd FTP-shared
sudo chmod 755 download
sudo chmod 777 upload
cp /etc/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd.conf.orig
vi /etc/proftpd.conf
  • # To really apply changes reload proftpd after modifications.
    AllowOverwrite on
    AuthAliasOnly on
    # Choose here the user alias you want !!!!
    UserAlias sauron userftp
    ServerName			"ChezFrodon"
    ServerType 			standalone
    DeferWelcome			on
    MultilineRFC2228 on
    DefaultServer			on
    ShowSymlinks			off
    TimeoutNoTransfer 600
    TimeoutStalled 100
    TimeoutIdle 2200
    DisplayChdir                    .message
    ListOptions                	"-l"
    RequireValidShell 		off
    TimeoutLogin 20
    RootLogin 			off
    # It's better for debug to create log files ;-)
    ExtendedLog 			/var/log/ftp.log
    TransferLog 			/var/log/xferlog
    SystemLog			/var/log/syslog.log
    #DenyFilter			\*.*/
    # I don't choose to use /etc/ftpusers file (set inside the users you want to ban, not useful for me)
    UseFtpUsers off
    # Allow to restart a download
    AllowStoreRestart		on
    # Port 21 is the standard FTP port, so you may prefer to use another port for security reasons (choose here the port you want)
    Port				1980
    # To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes
    # to 30.  If you need to allow more than 30 concurrent connections
    # at once, simply increase this value.  Note that this ONLY works
    # in standalone mode, in inetd mode you should use an inetd server
    # that allows you to limit maximum number of processes per service
    # (such as xinetd)
    MaxInstances 8
    # Set the user and group that the server normally runs at.
    User                  nobody
    Group                 nobody
    # Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new files and dirs
    # (second parm) from being group and world writable.
    Umask				022	022
    PersistentPasswd		off
    MaxClients 8
    MaxClientsPerHost 8
    MaxClientsPerUser 8
    MaxHostsPerUser 8
    # Display a message after a successful login
    AccessGrantMsg "welcome !!!"
    # This message is displayed for each access good or not
    ServerIdent                  on       "you're at home"
    # Lock all the users in home directory, ***** really important *****
    DefaultRoot ~
    MaxLoginAttempts    5
    <Limit LOGIN>
    AllowUser userftp
    <Directory /home/FTP-shared>
    Umask 022 022
    AllowOverwrite off
    <Directory /home/FTP-shared/download/*>
    Umask 022 022
    AllowOverwrite off
    <Directory /home/FTP-shared/upload/>
    Umask 022 022
    AllowOverwrite on
    	<Limit READ RMD DELE>
        	<Limit STOR CWD MKD>

You can do a syntax check with the following:

proftpd -td5

Pdf Manipulation and Hints


Collate scanned pages

pdftk A=even.pdf B=odd.pdf shuffle A B output collated.pdf

or if odd.pdf is in reverse order:

pdftk A=even.pdf B=odd.pdf shuffle A Bend-1 output collated.pdf

Decrypt a PDF

pdftk secured.pdf input_pw foopass output unsecured.pdf

Encrypt a PDF using 128-bit strength (the default), withhold all permissions (the default)

pdftk 1.pdf output 1.128.pdf owner_pw foopass

Same as above, except password baz must also be used to open output PDF

pdftk 1.pdf output 1.128.pdf owner_pw foo user_pw baz

Same as above, except printing is allowed (once the PDF is open)

pdftk 1.pdf output 1.128.pdf owner_pw foo user_pw baz allow printing

Join in1.pdf and in2.pdf into a new PDF, out1.pdf

pdftk in1.pdf in2.pdf cat output out1.pdf

or (using handles):

pdftk A=in1.pdf B=in2.pdf cat A B output out1.pdf

or (using wildcards):

pdftk *.pdf cat output combined.pdf

Remove page 13 from in1.pdf to create out1.pdf

pdftk in.pdf cat 1-12 14-end output out1.pdf


pdftk A=in1.pdf cat A1-12 A14-end output out1.pdf

Apply 40-bit encryption to output, revoking all permissions (the default). Set the owner PW to foopass.

pdftk 1.pdf 2.pdf cat output 3.pdf encrypt_40bit owner_pw foopass

Join two files, one of which requires the password foopass. The output is not encrypted.

pdftk A=secured.pdf 2.pdf input_pw A=foopass cat output 3.pdf

Uncompress PDF page streams for editing the PDF in a text editor (e.g., vim, emacs)

pdftk doc.pdf output doc.unc.pdf uncompress

Repair a PDF’s corrupted XREF table and stream lengths, if possible

pdftk broken.pdf output fixed.pdf

Burst a single PDF document into pages and dump its data to doc_data.txt

pdftk in.pdf burst

Burst a single PDF document into encrypted pages. Allow low-quality printing

pdftk in.pdf burst owner_pw foopass allow DegradedPrinting

Write a report on PDF document metadata and bookmarks to report.txt

pdftk in.pdf dump_data output report.txt

Rotate the first PDF page to 90 degrees clockwise

pdftk in.pdf cat 1east 2-end output out.pdf

Rotate an entire PDF document to 180 degrees

pdftk in.pdf cat 1-endsouth output out.pdf


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