And now to embark on building a Pwdr Printer. I’ve got a BOM from the PWDR project, and I’m going into dangerous territory. I’ve already contacted the Pwdr project, and they seem nice enough. The only want to talk via email for some reason. It seems a bit cumbersome for a community, but it’s a start if nothing else. I’m going to build a plain vanilla pwdr initially to get use to the tech, and get to know it more intimately. After that, I’ll start working on a bigger system and see what improvements can be made. I’m still not sure how active the community is, but no better way to find out then to jump in.
Parts Progress and Cost analysis:
- Acrylic GS 790×384 8mm or 32″x15.1″ 5/16″ (x4)
- Acrylic GS 384×384 5mm or 15.1″x15.1″ 3/16″(x1)
Not really part of the pwdr printer, but useful for printed parts.
The pwdr design parts were sourced from a company that doesn’t appear to ship to the US, so I’m going to start correlating to parts I can get in the states.
Steppers: ST4209S1006-B (tech details) – these appear to be twice as accurate as the steppers that are used in the reprap project, and are still nema 17
The following appear to be the only ones in the running at the moment.
Print Head was found here and only costs $8.25 the print cartridge is here at $15.45. At almost twice the cost of the print head.
Belts and other parts can be ordred from here
Contacted the following inkjet printer companies:
HP 1-800-HPINVENT (1-800-474-6836).
Canon 1-800-652-2666
Brother 1-877-276-8437
Known Builders: