Prop Making – VirtVixen

Great video on how she makes things. (website)  (twitch)  She works with CoreGeek (link) on design work.

Breaking up the model using

Work Path:

  1. modeling
  2. break up for printing
  3. pass 1 filling sanding
  4. pass 2 filling sanding
  5.  pass 3 filling sanding





Youtube video (link)

The Future of Money

Should an AI be given rights?


Android – The term that will be used for an AI inhabiting a robotic body to be a physical analog in the non-digital world.

  1. What is money?
    • A means to exchange worth between people.  This could be boiled down to the time of another person.
    • Does this mean money is the exchange of someone’s life?  No.. since people are at different rates of pay, there’s not comparison really.
  2. What does it mean that people are paid different amounts?
  3. Why do we have money?
  4. Is money needed?
  5. What would we do without money?
    • Barter
  6. If an Android should the food me free to all?
  7. If an Android could mine asteroids for metals, or mine/drill the earth for materials, should those resources be free to any who wish to use them?

Problems I cannot find solutions for

  1. If everything is free, who decides where you live and what type of housing you would live in?
  2. Would there be limitations placed on people, and if so why?


Machine Learning

Raj provided a timeline for learning ML.  I’m going to try it and see if I can break through the mental wall I keep hitting.

  • Machine Learning
    • Linear Algebra
    • Calculus
    • Algorithms
    • Python for Data Science
    • Math Intelligence
    • Introduction to Tenserflow
    • Intro to ML (Udacity)
    • Machine Learning Project Ideas (link)
    •  Intro to Deep Learning (link)
    • Deep Learning by Fast AI (link)
    • Re-Implement DL Projects with my github (link)
    • ML People to follow on Twitter (link)
    • Wizards Slack channel (link)

Great guide/blog to getting into Machine Learning (link)

  • Podcast on Machine Learning (link) The Podcast Spirit Guide (Tyler Renelley)
  • twimlai (link)
  • (link)
  • Data Skeptics (link)
  • Linear Digression (link)
  • The Talking Machines  (link)
  • O’Reilly Data Show (link)

Videos Watched


Strace – Notes and how to use it

Got most of this from this video.

What files is a program opening?

strace -etrace=open google-chrome

strace -etrace=open google-chrome

What child processes are spawned?

strace -etrace=execve google-chrome

  • write = what is written to
  • execve = what child processes are opened
  • open = what files are opened up

perf – what does it do?