Modding my HTC Hero

Prep Research Links:

First you have to revert the hero to a version that can be rooted.  Go into the boot loader (Volume Down+Press Trackball+Power) from a power off.

Modding my Nexus One

Okay.. here are the links I used to do this. I was pretty easy but time consuming to learn.

I had concidered getting a larger capacity battery, but read that updating to a custom rom would help more.  The batteries I was looking at were the following:

Cherrypad purchase and notes

Love this thing, and works great.  Market had some issues after about 10 downloads and stopped working.  I could search, but never could get another download to start.

Rooted the cherrypad:  I followed the instructions from here and here.  I’m archiving them here in case the site disappears.

Download the Android SDK

  1. Goto:
  2. Download the appropriate version for your OS and unzip it into a new folder.

That is now your SDK folder.

Setup SDK (Windows Only)

  1. Go into your SDK folder and run the setup task.
  2. Select the USB Drivers Revision x Package and hit Install. (No other packages are required for ADB use.)
  3. Go back to the SDK folder and go into the usb_driver folder.
  4. Download android_winusb.inf and replace the android_winusb.inf in the usb_driver folder with this modified one.

Setup ADB Access (make sure SDK is setup already following all of the above steps)

  1. Make sure your cherrypad is in “USB Debugging” by going to settings -> applications -> develpment and turning on the debugging feature.  if you don’t you won’t see the cherrypad in the device manger in the next step.
  2. Connect your GenTouch78 to the computer via USB then open the Device Manager (Right click “Computer” or “My Computer” -> Select ‘Properties’ -> Select ‘Device Manager’)
  3. Right click ‘Android Eclair’ then select ‘Update Driver Software’
  4. Select ‘Browse my computer for driver software’
  5. Select ‘Browse…’ and choose the location of your SDK folder. Make sure ‘Include subfolders’ is checked then select ‘Next’
  6. I received this error saying it could not be installed. (Windows 7 64 Bit) If you do, select ‘Close’ and continue steps below. If you see a success screen(you may with 32 bit OS) skip to step 10 below to test the installation.
  7. Right click ‘Android Eclair’ then select ‘Update Driver Software’ this time choose ‘Let me pick from a list of drivers (…)’ then select ‘Next’
  8. If you have setup an ‘Android Phone’ previously, select it, select ‘Next’ then continue to Step 8 below. If you do not have that choice choose ‘Show All Devices’ select ‘Next’ then continue to Steps 8b below.
  9. Select ‘Android ADB Interface’ Then select ‘Next’
  10. Select ‘Yes’
  11. Windows should confirm successful installation. Select ‘Close’ and close out the Device Manager
  12. You can test if it was successful by opening a command window to the ‘tools’ folder in the SDK then issuing the command ‘ADB devices’ You will see this device listed with the serial number ‘0123456789ABCDEF’

Setup ADB Access – Step 8 b (only necessary if you have never setup an Android phone on your PC)

  1. Select ‘Have Disk’
  2. Select ‘Browse…’ and select the location of the “usb_driver” folder then select ‘OK’
  3. Select ‘Android ADB Interface’ then select ‘Next’
  4. Continue with Step 9 above

Here’s how you get root access:

The following process requires a fully setup SDK with ADB access to the device.
Visit the Page Setup SDK and ADB Access for information.

Getting Root Access
Use ChainsDD/xinx’s Superuser.apk/su from here:
For Eclair / Froyo (Android 2.1 / 2.2)
Main Link (Thanks ChainsDD)
Mirror (Thanks
md5: 795cdef65fb782854721ab91ae7139b7

  1. Unzip the on to your computer.
  2. Run the following from your computer (or from a terminal on your Tablet)

adb push ./system/app/Superuser.apk /system/app/
adb push ./system/xbin/su /system/xbin
adb shell rm /system/bin/su
adb shell ln -s /system/xbin/su /system/bin/su
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/xbin/su
adb shell reboot