You know, there is a valid reason the prusa has a second version. I finally ordered some linear bearing to replace the brass bushings for the z. My Z decided to bind up and not want to slide anymore. In my frustraction to try and make it move, my X idler broke. So I have a friend printing me a v2 replacement for that and the motor mount, and I’ll just go ahead and replace the y brass bushings as well. They might have been a good idea in the beginning, but the linear bearings are truly the way to go. You can get them off ebay from suppliers for about 12 for $20. Or at least that’s what I got them for. You can order them from china cheaply, but you will have to wait for them to come in.
Bottom line, don’t be in a hurry and you can get things much cheaper. I’m in a hurry though, so I’m $20 lighter. On a bright note, my prusa is forcing me to upgrade. One part at a time.