Raid Array died this morning (Update: repaired)

I have a Venus T5C array, that decided to not power up after a UPS reset. 7.5 TB i have to figure out how to recover.  The drives aren’t dead I think, but the entire unit will not power up.  It’s attached to an APC UPS, but that unit had an alarm and I had to power cycle it when we had a power outage.

AMS T5C Raid Array

It was made by American Media.

Technical Support
Hours: Monday – Friday ( 8:30am – 5:30pm ) U.S. Pacific Time, except for Holidays
Phone: 510.353.0211 ext. 19

If I have to I will buy another, but I’ve contacted AMS tech support to see if there is a newer raid array that can see the drives as they are.  I can get one of these from Amazon, but we are talking $230 bucks.


UPDATE:  2/10/2013

The new unit came in, I transferred the drives, left the dip switches to all off for autodetect, and the array came back up with no data lost to the best of my knowledge.